How to Clean Roller Blinds: A Step by Step Guide

By: The Meta Blinds Team, 22nd Jun 2023.

Roller blinds are a flexible and affordable indoor window treatment that can give any room more style and privacy. They can be rolled up or lowered down and they come in a variety of colours and textured designs. 

Not only are indoor roller blinds easy to use, look great and allow privacy and light, they are a breeze to clean & maintain. Keeping them looking fresh is completely fuss-free.

The Importance of Cleaning Roller Blinds

Without regular cleaning, roller blinds can eventually start to accumulate dust and dirt. Sticking to a cleaning schedule will help to remove these particles, leaving you with bright and clean-looking roller blinds. Additionally, dirt accumulation can lead to weakened fabric and components, which can cause the blinds to become less effective over time. So in addition to enhancing their appearance, your roller blind’s performance and lifespan can be extended by routine cleaning. 

Top Tip: Avoid using harsh cleaning products when cleaning roller blinds, as these could damage the fabric or components. Make sure you use a PH neutral fabric cleaner and always test it on a little patch before using it on the whole blind.   

Man holding a rectractable flyscreens

How Often Should I Clean My Roller Blinds?

You know what’s surprising? The amount of grime that builds up on blinds over time. It’s a good idea to clean your indoor roller blinds monthly to avoid the buildup of dirt and dust in order to halt those stubborn stains from forming. 

Additionally, dust and allergens can accumulate on the roller blinds’ surfaces, so routine cleaning can support the maintenance of a healthier indoor environment.

Making it a part of your regular house cleaning routine will keep your blinds as good as new. 

For effective and damage-free cleaning of roller blinds, our step-by-step guide will help you safely remove stains, dirt and dust without damaging the fabric or the hardware.

Guide to Cleaning Roller Blinds

Materials For light cleaning

  • A dry and damp cloth or sponge
  • A vacuum cleaner preferably with a brush attachment
  • Mild detergent or fabric cleaner
  • A bucket

If your indoor roller blinds are made of an easy-wipe fabric with a smooth appearance and texture, it won’t take long at all to clean them (check with your supplier such as Meta Blinds if a different fabric is involved).

Firstly give them a light vacuum (or brush) to remove dust and surface dirt. It’s important to be gentle to avoid damaging the fabric or metal components of the roller blinds. 

Top Tip: Be sure to vacuum both sides to clean off any layers of cobwebs, dead bugs and dust and pay attention to all components (cords and chains). 

Simply wiping them down with a damp cloth or sponge may be all that is needed, or add a little detergent in warm water. Rinse with a cloth in clean water and dry with a clean towel.

Top Tips:

  • Roll down your indoor blinds completely to ensure all areas are reached.
  • Make sure blinds are completely dry before rolling up, especially chains and cords.

For a Deeper Clean

For stubborn stains on your indoor blinds, follow these steps to achieve a deep clean:

  1. Unmount and remove blinds from their rollers.
  2. Fill your bathtub with enough warm water to cater for the blinds. If no bath, then a kiddie’s paddling pool will suffice .
  3. Add a gentle laundry detergent to the water and mix.
  4. Carefully place the blinds flat in the bathtub and soak for a few hours. You can fold them if necessary.
  5. Gently wipe the blinds with a soft cloth or sponge. Use a small bristle brush for stubborn spots.
  6. Drain the bathtub, refill with clean water, and rinse the blinds thoroughly.
  7. After drying the blinds on a rack or clothesline, reattach them to their roller. 

Now your blinds are ready to be mounted again, leaving your living space refreshed and stylish. Enjoy the affordable, practical, and easy-to-clean benefits of indoor roller blinds that perfectly complement your home decor.

If you’re looking to upgrade your window treatments and transform your home, get in touch to learn more about our selection of high-quality roller blinds.

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